Playing Little Reindeer Games
Posted by:
Daniel Alvarez
Occurred on July 15, 2016 / Northern Norway Info from Licensor: "I was hiking across Europe. As I left a small town in Norway, this reindeer began to follow me. At first, it terrified me. The antlers are huge and I didn't want to end up on the wrong end of one. No matter what I did, I couldn't get it to leave me alone. So I continued on my journey, and the reindeer followed me. I began talking to it because I was alone and might as well talk to a reindeer. After a while, we became friends and I named it Theodore Jones. When I camped that night, I thought it would be the last I would see of Theodore Jones, but in the morning, he appeared again. I grew worried about him, so I walked to a road and found a Norwegian man who recognized the reindeer and told me that he knew where he lived. So I snuck away when Theodore was distracted. That day, a big rainstorm hit, and it was miserable walking so maybe Theodore just ditched me instead of the other way around. Who knows? It was definitely a highlight of the trip. I saw many reindeer on the journey, hundreds, but none ever came close to me or snuck into my heart like Theodore Jones!"
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