Kookaburras Try to Decide Who Gets the Snake
Posted by:
Sharon Draper
Occurred on January 30, 2024 / Sydney, Australia Info from Licensor: "I was leaving the beach one afternoon with my puppy when I noticed two kookaburras close together on the ground, which is unusual. Upon further inspection, I noticed they were holding something. I realized it was a tree snake that they must've killed. The kookaburras were holding either side of the snake, refusing to let go. It reminded me of the Lady and the Tramp spaghetti scene. This was the Australian version! They stayed like that for a very long time. I unfortunately wasn't able to wait to see what happened. I assume they managed to share it. When I went back the next day, there were no traces of the scene that took place."
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Made Live On:
Feb 08, 2024
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