Meat Eating Lorikeets Steal Kookaburra's Meal
Posted by:
Warren Liehr
Occurred on January 24, 2020 / Currarong, New South Wales, Australia Info from Licensor: "I first noticed the lorikeets eating meat in early January. It's a drought year and I have been feeding pet mince from the butcher to a pair of magpies with triplets. A single pair of lorikeets aggressively attacked the five magpies for the meat. A clan of kookaburra also frequent for food with their young and the lorikeets have jumped on their backs and then bitten into the kookaburra's feathers to chase them off so they can eat the pet mince. Evolution perhaps? These are carnivorous lorikeets in the making. They are teaching their single offspring to eat meat also. These lorikeets are not eating with the rest of the local flock."
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Jan 26, 2020
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