Wallaby Joey Rescued And Rehabilitated
Posted by:
Shai Ager
Occurred on October 13, 2023 / Cairns-Mareeba, Queensland, Australia Info from Licensor: "A baby joey was rescued by a Wildlife Carer from its mother's pouch after she was hit by a car and left in the middle of the road. It's an 'agile wallaby' which is similar to a kangaroo but a different species (there are 47 different species of Macropods here in Australia). The joey was removed from its mother's pouch and placed in a hand-sewn cotton one. It was a little boy and we called him Robin, after Robin Williams (as our theme for this month's names are 'famous comedians'). Little Robin came out of his shock a few hours after being rescued and quickly showed his cheeky personality. As a Wildlife Carer, I have quite a few other animals I'm raising and rehabilitating right now too. As Robin is quite young, I put him down my top! As that acts like he's in his mother's pouch, and helps reduce his stress. Little joeys thrive off comfort and love, so it's important to give them attention when they're this young. Robin 'helped' me feed the bigger joeys. I was chopping up sweet potatoes (safe/healthy for wallabies and kangaroos to eat) and giving them bottles. It's very disappointing that so many people here in Australia can hit a kangaroo or wallaby with their car... and keep driving. I wish more people cared enough to stop and check the pouch as they may be able to save the life of the little joey!"
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