Security Guard Kindly Escorts Blind Man Across Street
Posted by:
Christina Mack
Occurred on February 23, 2018 / Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Info from Licensor: "I was at Aveda Institute in Minneapolis getting my hair done. I saw a blind man come in and sit on a bench by the door. A few seconds later, a security guard walked up to him and bent over and shouted in his ear, “How are you doing today, Jerry?” The blind gentleman, Jerry, stood up and the security guard walked out with his arm around Jerry’s shoulder. I looked out the window to see the security guard walking Jerry across the busy intersections to get to the grocery store. I caught it on video and asked the Aveda staff about the story. It turns out, Jerry lives nearby and the local businesses, Lund’s Grocery, Aveda and Chuck and Dons, all pitch in to keep an eye on Jerry and see that he gets to where he is going every day safely. Aveda walks him to Lund’s, Lund’s helps him grocery shop, Chuck and Dons walks him back home. The video reminds us that there are still good people in the world, quietly doing good things to help one another. The second video just shows the security guard coming back alone after escorting Jerry."
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Made Live On:
Feb 28, 2018
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