Mako Shark Goes Airborne Trying to Unhook Itself
Posted by:
Nicholas Grace
Occurred on January 9, 2019 / Coromandel, New Zealand Info from Licensor: "My brother-in-law and I were fishing out by Castle Rock off the east coast of the Coromandel in New Zealand. There was a lot of surface activity of fish feeding on smaller fish, so we were dropping baits below them to try and catch Snapper, which would be feeding on scraps and remains. Whilst floating down a pilchard bait, a Mako shark that appeared to be over 6ft took his bait and went nuts jumping in the air to try and throw the hook. The shark did two jumps towards the boat before I got the GoPro going. You can see the two splash marks in the first few frames of video."
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Made Live On:
Jan 22, 2019
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