Snake Retrieved From Air Conditioning Unit
Posted by:
Natalie Marcok
Occurred on January 3, 2019 / Little River, Victoria, Australia Info from Licensor: "My husband saw what he thought was a rat's tail hanging out of the air conditioner. Upon closer inspection with a torch, I saw it was a snake and my husband called Stewy the Snake Catcher. Stewy came out once, but the snake had made its way back into the wall cavity so he left us with some instructions. A few hours later, the snake made its way back into the air conditioner so we called Stewy again and he made his way back out. At this point, he blocked off the snake's escape route back to the wall with a piece of cardboard, called an air conditioner installer he knew who explained how he could loosen the unit from the wall and then proceeded to catch the snake using his tools. When Stewy grabbed hold of the snake's tail, it excreted all over him but he was up to the challenge and did not loosen his grip. Within a few seconds, the snake was in the bag and our first encounter with a snake on our property was over."
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Jan 16, 2019
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