Baby Elephant Cuddles With Allie
Posted by:
Alexa Pham
Info From Licensor: "This video was taken at The Chai Lai Orchid when the baby elephant was only two weeks old. This was the first time that the baby ele fell on Allie's lap! Allie has lived with this little elephant since the day she was born nearly a month ago. The Chai Lai Orchid is an ecolodge in Northern Thailand that shares property with an elephant camp with 12 elephants. After two years of watching this herd of elephants be used for mass tours, The Chai Lai Orchid is trying to rescue this family of elephants and create a sanctuary for them in Northern Thailand. It's a long road ahead, but we can do it with your help! If you'd like to learn more about our mission to save these gentle giants, check out: Visit our Crowdrise page to learn more or donate now:"
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Made Live On:
Oct 21, 2015
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