Very emotional response to her first kitten!!!
Posted by:
Crystal& George Akers-Kropp
Background_Info from Licensor: "My daughter is an avid animal lover by all means and we've told her for quite some time that we cannot get a cat or a dog until we buy a bigger home and that we will have to wait a while. I always feel so bad for her because of how much she loves animals, especially cats. So, we decided to surprise her and we adopted a kitten someone had rescued and we had it set up so she was over at my parents house without a clue of what she was getting. Well I knew she was going to be excited and I had this planned for a couple of weeks at least but to my surprise she was so overwhelmed with emotion and empathy for this little kitten that it just started a domino effect. She definitely deserves this little kitty in her life because she's such a wonderful little girl and I'm just so glad we got to have this moment on video." -George Akers-Kropp Occurrence Date: Wednesday September 30th, 2015
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