Stuck Semi-Truck Gets Direct Hit from Train
Posted by:
Daniel Rangel
Occurred on October 15, 2018 / Del Rio, Texas, USA Info from Licensor: "I work in front of the railroad crossing where the accident happened. We had a blackout at work and was let outside until further instructions. My co-worker and I noticed the truck driver getting off his truck and instructing back traffic to move around him. He got back into his truck and started to move it but could not. As soon as I heard the train coming, I started videotaping. I yelled along with co-workers to get out of the truck, to jump. When the train hit him, I turned off my phone and ran to aid the man. Thankfully, he was alive. But I noticed he had severe trauma as he would not answer to any of our concerning questions. He would not let the steering wheel go and moved his head side to side. I stayed until the Fire Department arrived."
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Oct 16, 2018
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