Suspect Resisting Arrest In Mall Parking Lot
Posted by:
Cheryl Collier
Occurred on August 22, 2015 / Houston, Texas, USA Info: There was a suspicious acting man in the parking lot of the Willowbrook mall that security saw and chose to call in back up. That's when the constable precinct officer showed up and ordered the suspect to put his hands up. The suspect refused and kept coming towards him. The scene escalated once the suspect neared the officer. When the officer broke free, he tased the suspect with little effect. The suspect tried to run , but that's when the officer ran and tackled him. He tased the suspect again with no effect. The suspect was then able grab a hold of the taser before being subdued with assistance. The officers were finally able to handcuff the suspect before taking him into custody.
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Made Live On:
Aug 24, 2015
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