Sharks Feast on Whale Carcass
Posted by:
Benjamin reid
Occurred on September 18, 2018 / Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Info from Licensor: "I was out on my stand up paddle board to check out a dead whale carcass I’d heard about at Wattamolla Beach in the royal national park when my friend on the rocks noticed a large 4M plus great white following me along with another 2 or 3 smaller sharks circling in the area. I decided to make for the rock shelf close to the carcass to get some footage because I felt I was encroaching on their dinner and thought it might be better to be on the rock shelf as the big guy was much bigger than my board. It was a humbling experience to see the majestic kings of the ocean doing their thing so close up."
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Made Live On:
Sep 26, 2018
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