Puppy Poisoned by Meth Left in Hotel
Posted by:
Matthew Palmer
Occurred on September 6, 2018 / Clive, Iowa, USA Info from Licensor: "I traveled from Missouri to Iowa to participate in a dog show with my Golden Retriever, Merlin, and Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Kingsley. We checked into the Days Inn, Clive, Iowa location. Shortly after checking in, my five-month-old puppy, Kingsley, displayed symptoms of severe agitation and distress. I decided to take him to a local 24-hour emergency veterinary clinic, who said it was likely he ingested some sort of stimulant narcotic, such as methamphetamine or cocaine. I returned to the hotel and searched the room for possible substances that he might have ingested. I found a small, powdery, white crumb located next to the food bowl that had blended with the carpet. I called local police who arrived and tested the substance. The substance tested positive for methamphetamine. It is believed, but not proven, that Kingsley ingested the substance off the floor of the hotel. Kingsley stayed at the veterinary clinic Thursday night, and I picked him up Friday afternoon. I checked out of the Days Inn and into a local La Quinta. We had planned to leave the following morning (Saturday), but when I woke up, Kingsley was happy and started to play with his 'bigger brothers', my two other dogs. I decided to stay and show Kingsley in the puppy show, where he earned third in the 4-6 month sporting group. Kingsley appears to have made a full recovery, with no long-lasting effects."
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Sep 14, 2018
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