Strange Man Attempts to Enter Home Late at Night
Posted by:
Jeff Jessop
Occurred on September 4, 2018 / Bountiful, Utah, USA Info from Licensor: "Around 11:30pm, a man either having a mental episode, or drugs, or alcohol repeatedly dings on doorbell and knocks while whispering to himself about what he's going to do, and also asking questions to himself all while acting like something straight out of a horror movie. He makes up a story about looking for his dog 'Fido'. After we tell him we've called the police, he left. The police never found him, despite driving the neighborhood with spotlights for about an hour. After a follow up with police, I've learned that he indeed has mental issues, they know who he is, but from the video there is nothing illegal about his actions apparently, so no case can be opened."
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Made Live On:
Sep 24, 2018
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