Teens Try to Save Huge Stingray From Fisherman
Posted by:
Teresa Taylor Young
Occurred on May 26, 2017 / Daytona Beach Shores, Florida, USA Info from Licensor: "A fisherman caught this 300 lb Stingray and a group of young teens gathered around him and first started pouring seawater on the Stingray to save it as the fisherman kept pulling it out of the water with s big hook and long heavy rope. The teens were urging him to let it go. At one point a teen poured water over the fisherman's head and a small scuffle happened . It was determined it was a legal catch and the fisherman began dragging it toward the pier ( Sunglow Pier) . The kids started a tug of war with the fishing line pulling the ray toward the ocean water as the two fisherman pulled it toward the beach. At this point Volusia co beach patrol came in and forced the crowd away from the fisherman . The fisherman continued to drag it toward the pier where he attached a second rope/chain and went up to the top of the pier and got help to pull it up to the pier. It was said that the Stingray is served as scallops and also that the skin can be sold . It is a legal catch and there is a law against interfering with a fisherman's catch . Although a teen was taken away in hand cuffs it was reported that no arrests were made . It was reported that the fisherman dragged it to his car."
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