Solution for Aggressive Goats
Posted by:
Samantha Horn
Occurred on August 13, 2018 / Creal Springs, Illinois, USA Info from Licensor: "My 6-month-old goat started aggressively playing around, especially during feed time. He would push his horns into my legs and try to get my attention. We spend playtime up at our barn where he gets a little too playful. A friend had tried pool noodles for her goats and I figured why not. My wife and I measured The pool noodles approximately and applied them to his horns. He didn’t seem to mind at all. He continued to play around jumping and butting towards me. I decided to take the video to show my wife family and friends never did I expect my video to bring so much laughter. The ending result would be that the pool noodles are successful and people enjoy seeing a glimpse of our silly farm life."
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