Audi Sacrifices Itself for a Family of Ducks
Posted by:
Dylan DeGiulio
Occurred on June 19, 2018 / Renton, Washington, USA Info from Licensor: "I was driving west on WA-169 and I saw a family of ducks crossing the road around a blind corner. I knew that traffic would come any second and as I moved from behind the car in front of me. It all happened so fast. The driver of the black Audi didn't see the ducks until the last minute but the driver of the truck was not paying any attention and only touched his brakes a moment before impact. I was alone in my car and I was just heading home from a friends house, so I pulled over and called for an ambulance. Out of all the cars you can see on the road coming and going, I was the only person who stopped."
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Made Live On:
Aug 09, 2018
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