Happy Parrot Swings to the Beat
Occurred on July 20, 2018 / Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Info from Licensor: "Iago is a Moluccan cockatoo rescued from the now defunct World Parrot Refuge. After the death of the refuge founder, a rescue effort was led by Night Owl Bird Hospital where nearly 600 unwanted parrots were rehabilitated and rehomed. Iago is one of these survivors and after spending 15 years as an unwanted parrot, I adopted him on April 1, 2017. Since then, I have had the privilege of watching him grow and flourish. Iago still wears a collar to protect himself from self-mutilation, a habit common among captive cockatoos in substandard situations, which can take years of rehab to rectify. Today he enjoys just swinging to internet radio day and night."
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Made Live On:
Sep 08, 2018
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