Man Has Painful Fall During Hike
Posted by:
Shane Nale
Occurred on July 16, 2018 / Stevensville, Michigan, USA Info from Licensor: "Me and my friends Jordan and Tyler were going to check out what they call around here the 'car graveyard' which is a large pile of old vehicles from around the 50's at the bottom of a bluff. No one knows why they are there but speculation is they purposefully pushed them off the bluff to possibly help with the erosion problem that the bluff has had over the years, but no one knows for sure. Jordan was taking Tyler and I to see it for the first time when shortly after starting the downhill climb, Tyler slipped on the muddy terrain while holding on to the rope and falls spine first onto a sharp metal beam sticking out of the ground. Him being in flip-flops didn't help either, I'm sure. I was recording the whole thing on my new GoPro to test it out. We cut the trip short and helped him get back to the car, which was no easy task, and took him to the ER to get x-rays. He came out with only a slight puncture through the skin and a bruised spine. He will be fine and fully recovered in a couple weeks max."
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Jul 17, 2018
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