Running From a Waterspout
Posted by:
Kara Sparks
Occurred on July 4, 2018 / Tavares, Florida, USA Info from Licensor: "We were out tubing on Lake Eustis when it started to lightly rain. We took cover under a bridge for a short five minute rain shower. After that we decided to head to the other side of the lake where it was still Sun shining to continue to tube. Out of nowhere, a nasty storm came up behind us with lightening and heavy rain. We gunned it and headed north on the lake to out run the storm! When we looked back, we saw the waterspout. We were seconds in front of the rain bands! We safely took cover in Grand Island resort at a public boat dock! Later we found out that 500 ft away from where we were located, a metal building came down and a roof came off a restaurant located on the water!"
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Made Live On:
Jul 05, 2018
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