Not the Beer!
Posted by:
William Blake Dennis
Occurred on January 16, 2018 / Nashville, Tennessee, USA Info from Licensor: "In the video, me and my ex-coworker were delivering beer to one of the Honky Tonks In downtown Nashville. It had snowed a tremendous amount for what we’re used to. We weren’t able to go down the ramp to the store by walking, without falling. We started to just hold on to our 2-wheels and let it pull us down the ramp to get the beer in The store. On our only roll of beer we had left, I decided to film my co-worker sliding down, to be able to show our buddies at work what we had to do. Luckily enough on that last attempt down the ramp my co-worker wiped out, and lost all the beer."
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Made Live On:
Jul 06, 2018
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