Boy Rescues an Abandoned Kitten
Posted by:
Helen Keeley
Occurred on May 24, 2018 / Albany, Louisiana, USA Info from Licensor: "A 14-year-old boy with autism and a form of cerebral palsy saved a very young kitten who we believed was thrown out of a moving vehicle on a busy highway. We were sitting on a porch when we heard the screams of what sounded like an injured kitten as some cars passed by. We got up to investigate and crossed the road to find a baby kitten in a ditch that was filling up with rain waters from earlier. The kitten darted into the ditch where the water was higher. We tossed some kitten food in to see if we could lore him out, but he was too traumatized by what just happened. My son went to the other end where the water was higher to make sure the kitten didn't run further into the higher water as I waited on the other side with a kennel blocking off anyway out in case he ran from my son. He fought through some kind of metal that was hindering his path towards me but fought through the pain, then emerged on the end I was waiting on with the kitten in hand. We got it into the kennel and brought him home to dry him off to inspect for any injuries. Thankfully, there wasn't any and we bathed the mud and thousands of fleas that were covering his tiny horribly skinny body. He has nothing but bones and covered in fleas. He was so tiny that he couldn't even eat dry food. His name is Mud Bug."
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Jun 15, 2018
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