Rare Albino Porcupine
Posted by:
Nancy Frizzell-Alexander
Occurred on May 5, 2018 / Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada Info from Licensor: "I first saw this rare porcupine on my front doorstep with my tiny Yorkshire terrier around 11:30 at night. I had just let him out before bedtime when he started barking. I immediately opened the door and there he was, a huge albino porcupine! They were only several inches apart. Fortunately I was able to get my Yorkie in the house before he had gotten any quills stuck in him. The albino came back the next day to munch on the grass on my front lawn and that is when I took the video. His eyes were an incredible pink colour! He comes back from time to time and the last time I saw him, he brought a friend, a regular brown porcupine, lol!"
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Made Live On:
Jun 08, 2018
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