Camry Vs. Desk
Posted by:
Greg Beauregard
Occurred on June 1, 2018 / San Antonio, Texas, USA Info from Licensor: "I was driving home from work around 4:00 pm in my 2016 Camry. I usually exit 1604 at the Gilbeau exit but since the traffic seemed a bit light, I decided to exit the Braun exit. A white car entered at the Gilbeau on-ramp and merged in front of me at what I thought was a comfortable distance ahead. As soon as the white car got into my lane, it braked hard. I started to brake hard as well. I figured it was just a case of the white car getting too close to the car in front and had to brake to keep from colliding, but that was not the case. The white car swerved right and barely missed a tall desk that seemed to appear out of nowhere. I knew there was a red truck behind me on my right and was not sure what was on my left so decided it would probably be safest to just plow through the desk. My exit was and I was about 2 minutes from home, so I just carried on home and checked out the damage. I had a dent and crack in the right passenger side fender and a big dent on the right side of the hood."
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Made Live On:
Jun 04, 2018
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