Rare Footage of a Lynx Swimming
Posted by:
Ian j. Sawyer
Occurred on May 13, 2018 / Maine, USA Info from Licensor: "As I was motoring down the dead water in my canoe I saw what I thought was a log floating in the water. As I got closer started moving and I thought it may be a deer coyote or something. I never thought it would be a lynx. I did not even know that could swim and I doubt that there is a video of one swimming. I cut my motor and then got closer and realized what it was. If I had gunned the motor I would have probably hit it, so I started to drift left and put the motor into reverse to avoid hitting it. I watched the lynx run up the log and shake itself off which you don’t see in the video because it ended before that happened. It sat there looking at me from the riverbank and then jumped into the woods."
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Made Live On:
Jun 06, 2018
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