Waiter Wrangles Snake
Posted by:
Doug Johnson
Occurred on May 20, 2018 / Venice, Florida, USA Info from Licensor: "I was eating lunch at Sharky's on the Pier in Venice, FL, when I noticed a commotion at several tables directly adjacent to the beach. People were standing up on the benches and tabletops trying to get away from something. After about a minute, I then saw a waiter on the beach holding onto the tail of a snake. That's when I got up to shoot the video as the waiter wrangled the snake (turns out it was a Coachwhip Snake - non-poisonous). The waiter was able to use the grabbing tool handed to him by a fellow employee, to corral the snake and deposit the snake in the wooded area south of the restaurant. The snake was NOT harmed at all."
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Made Live On:
May 25, 2018
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