Lava Flowing from Crack in the Earth
Posted by:
Jeremiah Osuna
Occurred on May 3, 2018 / Pahoa, Hawaii, USA Info from Licensor: "There wasn't any news coverage about the lava flow that was happening except for on social media mostly Facebook. So when I heard that there was steam coming out of the vents in a subdivision I used to live in I got my drone and drove straight over there. This was before any evacuations on the street I was on had occurred. It was in a non-emergency site as well. I could hear the sound of the lava coming out of the earth and it was like rocks in a dryer. It was so loud and the Earth was shaking under my feet. There were some residents around and I was able to show them the live video feed that I had for my drone and they were so grateful to be able to see it because nobody knew what was happening. After about 10 minutes of the Drone being in the air the police finally came and escorted us out of the area because it was becoming very dangerous."
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Made Live On:
May 04, 2018
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