Bear Trapped Inside SUV
Posted by:
Richelle Koberg
Occurred on April 28, 2018 / Longwood, Florida, USA Info from Licensor: "Saturday night was not your typical bear encounter. Three bears were banging around a Longwood house around 9pm. The homeowner looked out the side door to see what the ruckus was about and discovered one of the bears trapped itself inside the family SUV! The bear thrashed around for about 30-40 minutes looking for a way out. At one point, it was sitting in the driver's seat blaring the horn. Officers and FWC came to the scene to assist. When the Bear noticed them out the rear glass, it pounced towards them, coming close to breaking the window. Finally, the FWC officer bravely opened the driver side door to release the trapped animal. It did not notice the path to freedom until one of the homeowners watching from the bathroom window called 'Here Bear'. That's when it slowly poked it's head out the door and then ran toward the back of SUV. The FWC officer who took cover inside the house made banging noises which then scared all the bears off to the woods. The SUV sustained major damages to the interior including demolished headliner, eaten passenger headrest, torn electrical and more. Curiosity and hunger for human food has motivated this bear to learn how to open car doors."
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Made Live On:
May 02, 2018
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