Sled Dogs Carry Chest Freezer
Posted by:
Jacob Witkop
Occurred on April 24, 2018 / Two Rivers, Alaska, USA Info from Licensor: "In spring time, in rural Alaska, road service does not exist. I had recently purchased a chest freezer for my wild game like salmon, caribou, and moose as temperatures hovered above freezing and threatened my previous fall and summer catch. I toted it home by ratchet strapping it to the back of my Prius with the hatch open. This worked fine until I came to my road that was completely slush. I had to walk home and hook up some of my sled dogs to haul the freezer home. They loved helping me out as they appreciate some of the food I will store for them. Interestingly, I was at a 200-mile race this year and my truck broke down, so I hauled 12 dogs to the race in my Prius with my sled strapped on top. One of the volunteers took a picture of it and multiple Alaska newspapers companies covered the story."
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