Spider-like Sea Creature In Raja Ampat Regency
Posted by:
Atsushi Sadaki
Occurred on January 21, 2025 / Raja Ampat Regency, Southwest Papua, Indonesia Info from Licensor: "There was a creature with bright colors that I had never seen before. It is about 4 to 5 cm in size. It moves like a spider. The body structure of a spider is divided into two parts: the head and chest are connected and the abdomen. Spiders are not found in the sea. Its body structure is also different from that of crabs. I checked and it seems to be a member of the rare, marine arthropod, probably a member of the Pycnogonida. Its 'body' is very small and all of its internal organs are said to be in its legs. They have a completely different structure from other creatures. It seems that there are still many mysterious creatures in the sea."
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