Driver Runs Red Light and Hits Pedestrian in Wheelchair
Occurred on November 12, 2023 / Redding, California, USA Info from Licensor: "I witnessed this incident on November 12, 2023. I had just come off the freeway into Redding, CA, and was headed down the road. I slowed to stop as the light was red, but a car in the lane next to me sped right through (the driver was reportedly distracted on their phone) and ended up catching the side of an automatic wheelchair user who was crossing at the same time, flipping him over and out of his chair. The driver who did hit him did stop across the intersection and several drivers (including myself) stopped to assist and called 911. The wheelchair user did not appear to have any visible traumatic injuries, but his chair did sustain a lot of damage on the left-hand side where it was struck. I believe that his chair very well saved his life. I was dismissed from the scene after giving my statement and offering the dash-cam footage to local PD."
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