Kind Stranger Helps Woman Through Tough Gym Moment
Posted by:
Stephanie Hoffman
Occurred on August 27, 2023 / Info from Licensor: "I've struggled with my health for years and kind of just flew under the radar with clots and liver failing. I Was given steroids for about 5 1/2 years for swollen joints, and rashes on my face and joints. I felt unseen, and misunderstood by doctors until I started doing things to research and fix my healing. I went to the gym and was doing everything they told me to do. Still, with steroids and anxiety medication, my weight loss was so slow. I got called names, but I just kept going to try my best. I showed up for myself. Then one day someone said they had seen me in the gym every week almost everyday and they were proud of me. I felt like at least someone sees me. At least someone sees me trying my best. All the hard work for years and it changed my perception. You might feel ridiculed or unseen but people notice. And you matter."
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