Sunday Morning Snuggle Session
Posted by:
Jenna Wise
Occurred on October 2, 2022 / Lewiston, Maine, USA Info from Licensor: "This was a typical lazy Sunday morning snuggle session. My bunny, Baxter, currently lives with 4 cats (previously 6 cats). From the day I adopted him from the local shelter 6 years ago, he walked out of his cage like he owned the house and had lived here forever. He is the biggest snuggle bunny, and he quickly figured out which two cats were going to be his girlfriends (bunnies are very social animals). Since he is free roaming, he follows these two girls in the video around the house all day like a puppy dog in love. He has no concept of personal space and is always finding a way to snuggle up to one of them and be right in their face, and of course, this gets him the occasional grooming and loving from them as seen in the video."
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