Fantasy Football Duck Costume Punishment
Posted by:
Samuel Coveney
Occurred on August 27, 2023 / Boston, Massachusetts, USA Info from Licensor: "I came in last place in my fantasy football league. It’s a 12-person league with some of my college buddies. The rules of the punishment were: spend 12 hours in this rubber ducky costume OR take 4 consecutive duck boat tours. I opted for the latter and spent a cumulative 6 hours on the duck boats (from 9:00-4:30). This happened in Boston, Massachusetts on the famous 'duck boats' which are amphibious vehicles that go around Boston's historical landmarks and into the Charles River. Many tourists who visit Boston take these tours, so, as a local Bostonian, it was extra humiliating to have my picture taken on the duck boats that, ironically, Boston's sports teams use to celebrate championships (and not last place finishes, in my case)."
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