Garbage Drum Floats Down Street In Heavy Rain
Posted by:
Ehtisham Badshah
Occurred on August 5, 2023 / Butina, Sharjah, UAE Info from Licensor: "Incredible footage captured on August 5, 2023, in Sharjah, UAE, during an intense rainstorm, showcases an unusual and captivating sight – a garbage drum mysteriously floating in the middle of the road. This viral video offers a rare glimpse into the unpredictable nature of weather conditions in the UAE, highlighting the impact of heavy rains on the city's infrastructure. Shot with a mobile phone, the video captures the dramatic moment when the garbage drum becomes an inadvertent floating object, floating for several minutes before coming to rest. Its unexpected journey serves as a powerful visual metaphor, encouraging viewers to reflect on the importance of responsible waste disposal and the need for innovative solutions to tackle environmental issues."
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Made Live On:
Aug 18, 2023
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