Lion Crossing My Pathway
Posted by:
Devi Prasad
Occurred on May 1, 2018 / Knowsley Safari, Prescot, Merseyside, England, UK Info from Licensor: "The video I am submitting was shot by myself during a visit to Knowsley Safari, a wildlife park in Merseyside, England. The park offers visitors a unique opportunity to drive through animal enclosures and get up close with the animals. During my visit, I had an exciting encounter with a lion crossing the road right in front of my car. I was able to capture the moment on video, showcasing the majesty and beauty of this apex predator. It's important to note that while it was an incredible experience, visitors must take precautions to keep themselves and the animals safe, including keeping car windows and doors closed at all times. Overall, I hope my video provides viewers with a glimpse into the wonders of nature and the incredible experiences that can be had in parks like Knowsley Safari."
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May 05, 2023
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