Reviving a Dazed Humming Bird after Window Collision
Posted by:
Taylor Eubanks
Occurred on April 18, 2023 / New Waverly, Texas, USA Info from Licensor: "I was relaxing at home when I heard a small thump at my window. When I walked over, I was surprised to see the tiny gray belly of a female ruby-throated hummingbird. There was no movement. I assumed the worst and was happy to see her little feet start to move. I carefully pulled her out of the grass to get her into a better position, and she was content to stay put on my hand. She was so light that I couldn't feel any weight... only the tiny scritch of her feet. She attempted to fly a couple of times but needed about ten minutes to recover from her daze and gather her senses. Her head was a little wobbly and I wasn't sure if she would ever be able to fly again. A couple other hummingbirds zoomed by, chirping at her to follow. Finally, she lifted off of my hand, flew a little ways, and chirped out a "thank you," before zooming off with her friends. It's time to invest in some window decals to prevent this from happening again. I was happy to see the hummer and her two friends return to my feeder that evening, recalling the crazy story of the invisible wall and the friendly giant."
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Apr 18, 2023
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