Skelly The Puzzled Pup
Posted by:
Christy Downing
Occurred on March 28, 2023 / Logan, Utah, USA Info from Licensor: "My phone was left on the bed with our new puppy Skelly and she was fascinated with it and she chose a song on my phone. She was in awe of it and trying to figure out what it was from and where it was coming from. She appeared to like it. I grabbed my husbands phone and started recording her. Skelly was born at 3 oz and shouldn’t have lived she was literally a skeleton that’s how she got her name. We had to bottle feed her for four weeks every two hours around the clock so she is a special girl. A very fast learner. We are breeders and own Cavaliers of Grace Victoria Manor named for my husbands mother who died of Breast Cancer when he was 13."
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Apr 12, 2023
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