Snoozy Stevie Waking Up His Legs After Sleeping
Posted by:
Jane Cornelius
Occurred on March 25, 2023 / Indiana, USA Info from Licensor: "This is Stevie first thing in the morning, after breakfast and pottying, making his way over to Ma for some cuddles and kisses. You can see how his brain tells his body to move but it takes some time for his body to receive and translate the message and then coordinate itself to follow through. Stevie’s cerebellum is underdeveloped so his body and brain do the best they can to work together. As a result, you can see his body sway to maintain balance, his back legs tip tap while they figure out where to go next and a couple of flops where he just can’t quite keep his balance. And guess what? That’s all perfectly ok. He’s perfectly Stevie. We can all move at our own speed, with our own wobbles and adjustments. Nothing about Stevie needs to be changed, fixed, or cured. All he needs is unconditional love and support. (Like the rest of us, no?)."
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Made Live On:
Mar 30, 2023
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