Guy Recounts How Bullet Exploded on Stovetop
Posted by:
Logan Purcell
Occurred on February 10, 2023 / Arcadia, Florida, USA Info from Licensor: "I was cooking on the stove, boiling water, and standing over the top getting spices, a loud bang goes off and my and my girlfriend's ears start ringing. She called it saying it sounded like a gunshot. Her father loved to cook and loved guns and kept a couple of .45 rounds on top of the stove in a cabinet with no doors. One night we came home and the tray holding the bullets had fallen, and I didn’t think to check. The gunpowder got too hot and the bullet popped in half shooting upward toward the boiling pot of water. I feel as if her father was watching over me that day. I could’ve lost my life in front of my love and daughter. I’m so thankful to still be here."
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