Ice Storm in Austin Causes Tree Branches to Fall (Close Call)
Posted by:
Nathan Trafford
Occurred on February 1, 2023 / Austin, Texas, USA Info from Licensor: "Ice accumulation on the trees was making a lot of branches break. I heard one come down in our driveway, so I went to check it out. Some branches had fallen in between our cars. I was checking for damage when a large branch broke directly above me and began to fall. I had nowhere to go, so I just ducked for cover. I looked up and saw that another large branch stopped the fall, though that branch started to crack as well, so I ran into the garage for cover. That’s the end of the surveillance footage. After the video ends, I waited about 2 minutes, then quickly jumped in the cars and moved them to a safe space. Within 5 minutes after moving the cars, the large branches fell. Thankfully no people or cars were injured or damaged. We ended up with over 30 large branches down on just our property."
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Made Live On:
Feb 05, 2023
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