Flipping Down The Slide
Posted by:
Chelsea Brown
Occurred on August 6, 2017 / Lima, Ohio, USA Info from Licensor: "In August of 2017, while out shopping, my husband and I noticed a roadside “fair” in a mall parking lot. Deciding to be spontaneous we stopped and purchased tickets for 2 of our 3 kids. Our 5-year-old son decided he wanted to try the slide and we failed to see it was held together with tape at the bottom. He claimed the stairs to the top and I started recording after he began his anticlimactic slide to the bottom. As he slowly reached the tape, the bag caught the tape, and he continued without it. He stuck to the slide, and immediately face-planted into it. He hit his chin and mouth and busted his tooth, ultimately turning it grey and killing it. He eventually grew a new adult tooth and everything ended up being fine but we still have the memory to look back and laugh at."
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