Driver Road Rages After Getting Cut Off by Amazon Delivery Van
Posted by:
Roberto Diaz
Occurred on September 28, 2022 / Oakleaf Plantation, Florida, USA Info from Licensor: "Amazon driver at high speeds decides to merge on our road, taking up both lanes unsafely while doing so. I slow down and the Toyota Camry beside me decides to speed up beside the Amazon driver. I honk the horn in case the Amazon driver wasn't aware we were there. They both then start to road rage and drive recklessly. At first, I stay behind to stay safe, but as they kept stopping in both lanes, I decided it might not be safe to stay behind and try to maneuver around them. I realized that was a bad idea as well so I slowed down until finally, they both sped off. The Amazon driver first and the Camry shortly followed. Unfortunately, they sped up to dangerous speeds and I did not follow to catch the ending."
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