Pup Caught in Couch Cover
Posted by:
Magen Jimmison
Occurred on April 24, 2022 / Middleburg, Florida, USA Info from Licensor: "We have this set up to see our animals while we are not home. Ranger is the brown dog, Cain is the black dog. Ranger was asleep on the couch when Cain heard us pull up, so he barked. When he did, it scared Ranger and that is how he got tangled in our couch cover. Poor guy tried to get out but when he knew he couldn't, he waited for us to walk in to help him. I walked in and saw this figure under the cover and was actually scared at first because he was so still! It took him a second to move and that is when I busted out laughing. We would have never known what happened if it wasn't for the video. He got out of the cover himself and we got a good laugh."
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