Instacart Delivery Driver Upset with Address Directions Throws Bags
Posted by:
Caitlin Fowler
Occurred on June 23, 2022 / Lakeland, Florida, USA Info: I placed the order through Instacart. I was waiting for my deliveries to be delivered and so while I was waiting I decided I was going to take my older son to my brother-in-law‘s. So I went outside to put my two younger sons into my car and that is when I receive a notification that the driver was about to arrive. I saw her pass my house 2 to 3 times and so then I waved my hands at her to get her attention into my driveway really fast and when she gets out she yells "you need to update your fucking delivery instructions" and then I said, "no I don’t nobody else has any issues finding my address" and then me and my older son continue to walk up to her car to help her grab my bag and that is when she threw them at my seat and then the second bag she throws at my chest. This is when I throw the bag back at her. We did exchange words after that. Honestly, it happened so quick I know that I was cussing her out but I don’t really honestly remember what I was saying other than her saying that she has a camera on her car and me pointing up to my camera to let her know that I have cameras as well..and she got in her car and drove off.
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Made Live On:
Jun 29, 2022
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