Mama Bears Don't Mess Around
Posted by:
Shalyn Turner
Occurred on June 15, 2022 / Wears Valley, Tennessee, USA Info from Licensor: "We were renovating a house in Wears Valley, TN. We peeked outside to what we thought was a dog and it was certainly a small black bear. After the mother bear charged, we ran back inside. A guy working on the house needed something in his truck so he opened the door and roared loudly to ward them off. Not long after, they went about their business. Later that day, there was a mother bear in the area that scratched a 90-year-old lady sitting on her porch. She went to the hospital for a non-life-threatening wound. The bear was euthanized. Highly likely that this was the same bear."
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Jun 18, 2022
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