Goat Climb on Car to Reach Tree Branch
Posted by:
Melissa Rapier
Occurred on June 15, 2022 / Rockwell, North Carolina, USA Info from Licensor: "My wife and I own 3 goats and love our boys. They were all bottle babies and think they are dogs more than goats. They get to free-range all the time and have amazing personalities. On this day I had just come back with a trailer full of building material and backed up to unload it. Toby (goat) decided I parked perfectly under the trees for him to jump up top and do some tree trimming for me. When he gets really excited for trees he head bangs. Casper the other white goat tried getting in the action from the side and Oreo the black and white goat got on the hood of my car for a moment. But Toby stole the show in this one. I couldn't resist getting it recorded and sharing the laughter."
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Jun 17, 2022
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