Black Bear Family Frolics in Trees
Posted by:
Nichole Shedd
Occurred on May 13, 2022 / Travelers Rest, South Carolina, USA Info from Licensor: I went outside the morning of Friday, May 13, 2022, to take my daughter to school. It was around 7:30am. My kids were standing at my car waiting for me to unlock the door. I made it halfway to my car, which is only about 10 ft from my front door when I saw the mama bear in the tree beside my car. I got me and the kids in the car as quickly as I could. When we got in the car I immediately started recording videos and taking pictures of the bears. Let's just say my daughter was late for school that morning. It wasn't long after we got in the car we realized there were babies!! We thought at first there were only two babies! After taking my daughter to school, I and my son realized there were 3 babies when we made it back home! ! My son and I got into our house and went to our back porch ( which is closed in) and started recording and taking more pictures. The bears decided to leave the tree around 10am that morning. It was definitely an exciting experience for sure!! We live close to the woods that cover a large area of land. We are used to wildlife, but we have never had a bear and her babies that close to us before!
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