Sharks Just Want a Meal
Posted by:
Joshua Fitzgerald
Occurred on February 1, 2018 / Coral Bay, Western Australia, Australia Info from Licensor: "We were out on my recreational boat searching for any cool marine life and checked one of the spots where we usually find manta rays cruising. Unfortunately, there weren’t any there so we decided to search along the sand flats where you can occasionally find Tiger sharks. We then came across splashing in the water and though it was from dolphins. It wasn’t until we were about 50 meters away that we realized what was actually happening. Four tiger sharks circled an average sized female loggerhead turtle. We watched and filmed the event for about 4 hours until there were only 2 tiger sharks left. The turtle then disappeared and eventually so did the tiger sharks. We are still unsure if they got their food or if she escaped."
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Made Live On:
Feb 08, 2018
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