Baby Rhino Running Around with Her Favorite Blankie
Occurred on March 22, 2022 / Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary, Barberton, Mpumalanga, South Africa Info from Licensor: "On Thursday 9th December we received a little miracle. She came in the form of a tiny rhino calf, possibly just hours old. Incredibly weak, unable to stand, and with her umbilical cord still attached. In an instant she wiggled her way firmly into all our hearts. With her oversized feet (still wet from the womb), droopy lips and hairy ears, she looked prehistoric and yet somehow, so incredibly vulnerable. During a devasting week for rhinos in South Africa, little Daisy was discovered during routine procedures in the Crocodile Bridge area of the Kruger National Park (KNP). Section Ranger Neels van Wyk, Pilot Jack, and Veterinarian Dr Peter Buss, immediately responded and flew her directly to Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary. She was carried effortlessly from the helicopter and into the CFW rhino ambulance where she made her way to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The week that followed would challenge and test the CFW team on a whole new level. Little Daisy received no colostrum and so her immune system was incredibly compromised. Being so small, she struggled to maintain her own body temperature as well as her blood glucose levels. She required round the clock care and feeding every hour. Even the antipoaching unit came to lend some willing hands to help look after the newest arrival. A few days after admission, Daisy visited West Acres Veterinary Hospital for a plasma transfusion to help boost her immune system. The plasma came from the Rhino Blood and Plasma Bank held at CFW. It seemed particularly poignant that the plasma given to little Daisy was collected from the older rhino orphans during routine procedures throughout the year. Daisy has a very long road ahead of her but she is proving to be a fighter and a survivor. Daisy made friends with Modjadji, a young zebra foal was found alone and barley moving after horrendous storms. Modjadji was very sick and required a blood transfusion from another zebra to save her life. They are an incredible source of comfort and companionship for each other and they are both playing a vital role in the other’s rehabilitation. The two unlikely friends have been inseparable ever since."
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